If I exchanged places with you, I am sure you would also look up to smokers. I know it is difficult to be in my shoes, especially since they are one size more and smell a lot LOLz, but still it is worth a try for all the good it would bring to your life.
As what I've learned from friend of mine ( I don't wanna name him coz he might kill me after this)... Smoking gives him an excuse to not brush daily. For him, it's a waste of time, money and water. If God had wanted him to brush as he said, he would have had bristle-like hair on his index finger. But he does not.
A doctor told me I might have holes in my lungs. Amusing for somebody as knowledgeable as a doctor to say that and get upset over. After all, it is these holes that will help me by-pass blood and distribute Oxygen through out my body. They are more helpful as my Red Blood Corpuscles (RBCs) are anyways lethargic.
In fact, smoking helps me keep a tab on my fitness levels. I know when I am straining myself for I start panting. Pity all those who never know how many stairs they can climb. I can manage two flights.
The habit saves me money in ways more than one. When my colleagues are rushing to get food for lunch, I just need a glass of water or a cup of coffee. Guess, it is lack the of appetite, but I am not complaining if I can save atleast 80 pesos a day.
Before I began smoking, I was just like a nerd infront of my computer at my station everynight. But since I started lighting a cig, I've met a lot of beautiful, cool and interesting peeps. In addition, I've met two of my ex's thru smoking. I even got to know the MEAN GURLZ by it.
While on smoking, I have to tell you about this movie in which Anthony Hopkins is a cop who has decided to shoot a cowboy, played by Kevin Costner. The cop grants the cowboy his last wish…to which the latter says he wants to have his last smoke. At the mere mention of a smoke, the visibly upset cop ends up saying, "You know, smoking could kill you!?"