I love it when it rain...the cold wind....I know what the evil mind of yours is thinking. But to cut the long story short…I love rain. You are probably saying, finally there is something that this psycho loves beside himself.
My love for rain has nothing to do with all that cafe mocha that is created on a Batasan road after the rain. OK…if you are not as imaginative…you probably never realized it. Next time you see all that brown muddy water on the road…imagine it to be cafe mocha. After a car or a van passes by, for sometime the muddy water will resemble a chocolate milk-shake.
Over the years, my affinity towards rain has been motivated - for different reasons. When I was in 3rd Grade in SABBES…the school would submerge (not fully but at least a foot deep) after an hour rain. This meant no class for two days….now don’t blame me for loving rain.
As I grew my reasons changed. When I'm in Hi-School, I loved going to school on rainy days….because half the class wouldn’t have turned up and the teachers dare not teach. Some of the teachers would be absent. I still remember a sleeping teacher sitting in front even as we spent the 45 minute periods talking our way to glory.
When in college, it provided us with an excellent excuse to come late or bunk classes. In Espana, traffic depends on seasons. There are two seasons - the seasons to DRIVE (Summer) and the season to DIVE (Rainy).
When it rained we would all go to the nearby waiting shed and stand gaping at the girls from the nearby FEU, CEU and Baste.
Girls, trying to avoid the muddy and greasy waters on the road are a pretty site. They are poetry. Reams and reams can be written on the expression one can see on their faces. Next time it rains, go to a muddy, water-logged road. Look out for a 16-22 year old girl walk through/around the water (remember, age is important here. )…you will know what I mean.
NOW...I juz love rain for the fringe benefits. It's nice to stay at home, watch TV at MAGYOSI...tnx to the RAIN.
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