I was just wondering what my preferences in life were. Do I have any opinions? Do I have any tastes? Do I have stands? Surprisingly, I have none.
This rules me out of the race for "D' Man of the Year". Pacquiao wins, hands down. How could somebody with no tastes, opinions and stands in life ever become popular?
I have no favorite food…though when I was a kid I used to like dunking my hot pandesal on a hot Carabao's milk. I have no favorite cars, and that’s why I have never bought one till now. I have no favorite foreign country and that is why I never been out of the Philippines. I don’t have a favorite place to stop and smoke, thus end up smoking at all places.
As for opinions, I don’t care who rules the world. I think it is Dick Cheney now. Or is he dead?!
When Bush and Kerry were running from pillar to post trying to seduce people, I never got seduced. I stood still…for I did not care who the President of US was.
Everybody has an opinion on everybody…but somehow I don’t. Perhaps, that is why I don’t like you.
And as for my stands…I have none. Even removed the one on my mountain bike back in highschool, and have to lean it against a wall or a tree.
“Would you want to come for a drink tonight...?” A normal man’s response would be ...where, when, how... but for me it is a simple: “Yeah sure.”
When Super EX-GF asks me to empty the dustbin, I have no stand... I just go and empty it.
But the thing is I am happy. Except for the fact that I need some money, and need a vacation, need some friends, need some good colleagues and need some good food. Otherwise, I am happy.
Does the fact that, I have no tastes, opinions or stands make me a robot? I guess, I should not be writing all this here ...coz if people from Microsoft, Redmond notice this, they might buy me off from SYKES for research on Artificial Intelligence. Pity, they would be disappointed at not finding intelligence.
But after reading this far…do you think Microsoft officials would be disappointed at not finding intelligence? I don’t think so.
This rules me out of the race for "D' Man of the Year". Pacquiao wins, hands down. How could somebody with no tastes, opinions and stands in life ever become popular?
I have no favorite food…though when I was a kid I used to like dunking my hot pandesal on a hot Carabao's milk. I have no favorite cars, and that’s why I have never bought one till now. I have no favorite foreign country and that is why I never been out of the Philippines. I don’t have a favorite place to stop and smoke, thus end up smoking at all places.
As for opinions, I don’t care who rules the world. I think it is Dick Cheney now. Or is he dead?!
When Bush and Kerry were running from pillar to post trying to seduce people, I never got seduced. I stood still…for I did not care who the President of US was.
Everybody has an opinion on everybody…but somehow I don’t. Perhaps, that is why I don’t like you.
And as for my stands…I have none. Even removed the one on my mountain bike back in highschool, and have to lean it against a wall or a tree.
“Would you want to come for a drink tonight...?” A normal man’s response would be ...where, when, how... but for me it is a simple: “Yeah sure.”
When Super EX-GF asks me to empty the dustbin, I have no stand... I just go and empty it.
But the thing is I am happy. Except for the fact that I need some money, and need a vacation, need some friends, need some good colleagues and need some good food. Otherwise, I am happy.
Does the fact that, I have no tastes, opinions or stands make me a robot? I guess, I should not be writing all this here ...coz if people from Microsoft, Redmond notice this, they might buy me off from SYKES for research on Artificial Intelligence. Pity, they would be disappointed at not finding intelligence.
But after reading this far…do you think Microsoft officials would be disappointed at not finding intelligence? I don’t think so.
"And as for my stands…I have none. Even removed the one on my mountain bike back in highschool, and have to lean it against a wall or a tree."
- wehhhh. hahaha!
hahaha totoo yan
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